Saya suka ikuti tulisan Puan Siti Nadzrah Sheh Omar, ibu kepada 5 anak lelaki yang berjaya menjadi PROFAZZ. Semua anaknya adalah professional yang dapat menghafaz Al Quran dengan baik. Sangat memberi inspirasi kepada saya yang masih bertatih membesarkan anak.
Walaupun peperiksaan Spm bakal dijalankan pada tempoh terdekat ini,para pelajar masih berkesempatan mengulangkaji pelajaran. Salah satu pelajaran yang saya minati ketika dibangku sekolah dahulu ialah Bahasa Inggeris,namun penguasaan saya terhadap bahasa inggeris kurang memuaskan. Semoga contoh karan. Laman Bahasa Melayu Spm Contoh Karangan Terbaik Pelajar Recognizing the exaggeration ways to acquire this book laman bahasa melayu spm contoh karangan terbaik pelajar is additionally useful. You have remained in right site to begin getting this info. Get the laman bahasa melayu spm contoh karangan terbaik pelajar partner that we provide here.
Puan Siti Nadzrah adalah graduan lulusan luar negara yang memilih untuk melepaskan kerjaya demi memberi fokus pada anak-anak. Jadi kebanyakan masa beliau akan mengajar sendiri anak-anaknya semua subjek termasuklah Bahasa Inggeris.
Bila beliau kongsikan STRATEGI TUKAR MARKAH ‘G' KEPADA ‘A' BAGI SUBJEK BAHASA INGGERIS di laman Facebook nya, saya sangat teruja membacanya. Tapi anak saya baru darjah 1, lambat lagi nak ambil SPM. Hehe.
Jadi saya minta izin dari Ummi Nadzrah untuk letakkan tulisan beliau di blog saya. Semoga perkongsian ini dapat membantu lebih ramai calon SPM mendapat markah yang lebih baik untuk kertas Bahasa Inggeris, in syaa Allah.
Semua anak Ummi alhamdulillah ok je fasih berbahasa Inggeris kecuali seorang ni. Memandangkan memang susah nak score ‘A' bagi subjek BI, Ummi terpaksa merangka strategi yang berkesan untuknya. Apa yang Ummi lakukan ialah sejak dari tingkatan 4 lagi Ummi telah suruh dia hafal beberapa karangan Bahasa Inggeris yang telah Ummi siapkan.
Anak Ummi suka salah satu darinya. Setiap kali periksa dia akan cuba agar karangan tersebut dapat disesuaikan untuk menepati soalan periksa. Dia telah hafal dan hadam maksud setiap ayat dalam karangan tersebut sebaik mungkin.
Semasa trial dan peperiksaan sebenar SPM anak Ummi telah berjaya adjust agar karangan yang sama dapat digunakan bagi salah satu dari 5 pilihan soalan yang diberi.
Inilah karangannya….
One of my hobbies is travelling. Travelling is very adventurous and can expose us to many experiences about other countries and traditions. Just like Marco Polo and Ibn Batutta, the famous travellers known for their fascinating travels, I would also like to go to as many countries as possible. There are many places of interest in countries that I have visited but here I would like to mention a few that excites me.
The first country that I would like to talk about is Egypt. Egypt is situated in the northern part of Africa and it was the birth place of Moses. If we read history, we could recall how Moses's mother put him in a basket and threw it down the Nile River. Nile River is the largest river in the world. I enjoyed a boat cruise along the Nile River with my family and we could view the whole Cairo city at night. Another place of interest is Al-Azhar University. It is the oldest university in Africa and many academicians and politicians were produced from this university. I wish that one day I could study in this university. Another attraction in Egypt is the abundance of fresh fruits like mangoes, strawberries, oranges, kiwis etc. We could eat them raw or blend them into juices. It was really thirst quenching.
The next country that attracted me is Turkey. In Turkey the words ‘Bay' and ‘Bayan' mean man and women respectively. Turkey is divided into two parts, Asia and Europe. Among the tourist attractions were the famous Blue Mosque, Hyga Sophia, Topkapi Palace, the Spice Bazaar and the Grand Bazaar. The Grand Bazaar has over a thousand malls selling many local and imported products with reasonable prices. We had a really nice shopping spree and trying local foods. Besides, I could still remember I met Maher Zain, the popular singer, and I managed to take a picture with him. Later, I and my family went to Ankara and it was snowing. We had a thrilled time over there where we played snowballs and made snowman.
Another country that I have visited is India. One thing that I learn about India is that this country is called 'thankful'. India is a very populated country and there are many poor and destitute people roaming around the street begging for money. Among the interesting places that I go were Taj Mahal and Kashmir. Sony pcg-61313l keyboard. Taj Mahal is a gift from Prince Shah Jahan to symbolize his love towards his wife Mumtaz Mahal and it is considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Kashmir, on the other hand, is famous for its shawls, carpets and houseboats and very suitable for honeymooners. It is also popular for shooting Hindi films. One thing that I notice about India is that whatever that we saw in Hindi and Tamil movies are totally different from the reality over there.
The last country that I would like to talk about is England. This is the place that I was born eighteen years ago when my father furthered his study. I managed to revisit it again and reminiscing all the memories when I was a baby there. We travelled to a few cities like London, Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham. In London, we visited the London Tower Bridge, Buckingham and Kesington Palace, Thames River with its famous ‘Eye on London', the Big Ben and we did a lot of shopping. In Nottingham, we bought beautiful laces for bed and table spreads. Later, we drive up north to Old Trafford to watch football match between Manchester United and Liverpool. It was such a wonderful experience for us to be able to share the excitement with the rest of the audience.
Although I have gone to many countries, in my heart, my sweet country Malaysia is always and will always be my favourite place that I would want to live forever. For me, here is the place where I can find serenity, a sense of belonging, feeling of comfort and relaxation. Not to mention the luxury of food, beaches, entertainment outlets, tourist attraction sites and the multi-racial people. All in all, Malaysia is still the best.
Contoh Karangan Spm Terbaik Punca Kemerosotan Murid
Untuk trial dengan soalan….
🎁 'My most embarassing moment.'🎁
Bila beliau kongsikan STRATEGI TUKAR MARKAH ‘G' KEPADA ‘A' BAGI SUBJEK BAHASA INGGERIS di laman Facebook nya, saya sangat teruja membacanya. Tapi anak saya baru darjah 1, lambat lagi nak ambil SPM. Hehe.
Jadi saya minta izin dari Ummi Nadzrah untuk letakkan tulisan beliau di blog saya. Semoga perkongsian ini dapat membantu lebih ramai calon SPM mendapat markah yang lebih baik untuk kertas Bahasa Inggeris, in syaa Allah.
Semua anak Ummi alhamdulillah ok je fasih berbahasa Inggeris kecuali seorang ni. Memandangkan memang susah nak score ‘A' bagi subjek BI, Ummi terpaksa merangka strategi yang berkesan untuknya. Apa yang Ummi lakukan ialah sejak dari tingkatan 4 lagi Ummi telah suruh dia hafal beberapa karangan Bahasa Inggeris yang telah Ummi siapkan.
Anak Ummi suka salah satu darinya. Setiap kali periksa dia akan cuba agar karangan tersebut dapat disesuaikan untuk menepati soalan periksa. Dia telah hafal dan hadam maksud setiap ayat dalam karangan tersebut sebaik mungkin.
Semasa trial dan peperiksaan sebenar SPM anak Ummi telah berjaya adjust agar karangan yang sama dapat digunakan bagi salah satu dari 5 pilihan soalan yang diberi.
Inilah karangannya….
One of my hobbies is travelling. Travelling is very adventurous and can expose us to many experiences about other countries and traditions. Just like Marco Polo and Ibn Batutta, the famous travellers known for their fascinating travels, I would also like to go to as many countries as possible. There are many places of interest in countries that I have visited but here I would like to mention a few that excites me.
The first country that I would like to talk about is Egypt. Egypt is situated in the northern part of Africa and it was the birth place of Moses. If we read history, we could recall how Moses's mother put him in a basket and threw it down the Nile River. Nile River is the largest river in the world. I enjoyed a boat cruise along the Nile River with my family and we could view the whole Cairo city at night. Another place of interest is Al-Azhar University. It is the oldest university in Africa and many academicians and politicians were produced from this university. I wish that one day I could study in this university. Another attraction in Egypt is the abundance of fresh fruits like mangoes, strawberries, oranges, kiwis etc. We could eat them raw or blend them into juices. It was really thirst quenching.
The next country that attracted me is Turkey. In Turkey the words ‘Bay' and ‘Bayan' mean man and women respectively. Turkey is divided into two parts, Asia and Europe. Among the tourist attractions were the famous Blue Mosque, Hyga Sophia, Topkapi Palace, the Spice Bazaar and the Grand Bazaar. The Grand Bazaar has over a thousand malls selling many local and imported products with reasonable prices. We had a really nice shopping spree and trying local foods. Besides, I could still remember I met Maher Zain, the popular singer, and I managed to take a picture with him. Later, I and my family went to Ankara and it was snowing. We had a thrilled time over there where we played snowballs and made snowman.
Another country that I have visited is India. One thing that I learn about India is that this country is called 'thankful'. India is a very populated country and there are many poor and destitute people roaming around the street begging for money. Among the interesting places that I go were Taj Mahal and Kashmir. Sony pcg-61313l keyboard. Taj Mahal is a gift from Prince Shah Jahan to symbolize his love towards his wife Mumtaz Mahal and it is considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Kashmir, on the other hand, is famous for its shawls, carpets and houseboats and very suitable for honeymooners. It is also popular for shooting Hindi films. One thing that I notice about India is that whatever that we saw in Hindi and Tamil movies are totally different from the reality over there.
The last country that I would like to talk about is England. This is the place that I was born eighteen years ago when my father furthered his study. I managed to revisit it again and reminiscing all the memories when I was a baby there. We travelled to a few cities like London, Manchester, Liverpool and Nottingham. In London, we visited the London Tower Bridge, Buckingham and Kesington Palace, Thames River with its famous ‘Eye on London', the Big Ben and we did a lot of shopping. In Nottingham, we bought beautiful laces for bed and table spreads. Later, we drive up north to Old Trafford to watch football match between Manchester United and Liverpool. It was such a wonderful experience for us to be able to share the excitement with the rest of the audience.
Although I have gone to many countries, in my heart, my sweet country Malaysia is always and will always be my favourite place that I would want to live forever. For me, here is the place where I can find serenity, a sense of belonging, feeling of comfort and relaxation. Not to mention the luxury of food, beaches, entertainment outlets, tourist attraction sites and the multi-racial people. All in all, Malaysia is still the best.
Contoh Karangan Spm Terbaik Punca Kemerosotan Murid
Untuk trial dengan soalan….
🎁 'My most embarassing moment.'🎁
Download harry potter pc games. Anak Ummi telah menulis KARANGAN YANG SAMA tetapi mengolahnya seakan selepas dia bercerita beria-ia tentang pengalamannya menjelajah ke serata pelosok tempat, sedar-sedar rupanya dia sedang bermimpi.
Untuk SPM dengan soalan….
🌹 Write a story ending with…'They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.' 🌹
Contoh Karangan Spm Terbaik Bahasa Inggeris
Anak Ummi telah menulis KARANGAN YANG SAMA tetapi membayangkan seakan cerita itu disampaikan kepada sekumpulan rakannya yang asyik mendengar dia bercerita kisah pengalamannya menjelajah ke serata tempat. Dan rakan-rakannya tersenyum lebar sebaik habis mendengar celotehnya.
Ummi ingin berpesan bahawa strategi ini boleh digunakan jika perlu sahaja dan hanya untuk anak-anak yang tertentu sahaja ya….moga bermanfaat.